Hello everyone, Jonathan Green here, and welcome back to our blog! My wife Rosemary and I would like you all to know that we have been praying for all of you that have been affected by hurricanes Helene and Milton. Our hope is that you and your family are doing well, but if that isn’t the case, we pray that the Lord will bring peace to your hearts and provide for all of your needs during this trying time.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to update you all on how things have been going now that we’ve settled back in here in Ambato, Ecuador. It has been a blessing to return to teaching the English classes as that continues to be the primary way in which I reach people with the message of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The courses continue to go well as they move into their second month. I’ve had a lot more interaction with the students about the Bible verses that we start each class with. I ask their thoughts about what the verse is teaching us to help them think more deeply about what their reading. It has been a blessing to see young people come to a better and clearer understanding of the Scriptures! I also continue to preach regularly at Huachi Chico Baptist Church about every third Sunday. It is a privilege to continue to serve the Lord through the preaching His Holy Word. Rosemary has started the new school year at a new school and is making the adjustments she needs to be a light to the students her classroom. We continue to work together on Saturdays with children’s ministry encouraging those who are already serving and also helping to lift up a new generation to serve the Lord alongside us as well. It truly is an honor to serve the King of Kings.
With Keila and Joel in my morning English class
With Abigail, Anahí and Domenica in one of my afternoon classes
The other day, Rosemary and I went to Camp Chacauco to meet with some of our co-laborers in the Lord’s work from the home office of Global Outreach International and with other brothers and sisters in Christ who were accompanying them. During that time, my fellow missionary to Ecuador, Steve Thompson, shared a Bible study with all of us and one passage he shared with us stuck with me. It comes from 2 Samuel chapter nine:
'And Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan, son of Saul, came to David and fell on his face and paid homage. And David said, “Mephibosheth!” And he answered, “Behold, I am your servant.” And David said to him, “Do not fear, for I will show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan, and I will restore to you all the land of Saul your father, and you shall eat at my table always.” And he paid homage and said, “What is your servant, that you should show regard for a dead dog such as I?” '
2 Samuel 9:6-8
David, an earthly king, extended love and mercy to Mephibosheth, the grandson of his enemy Saul. Most kings of the time would try to wipe out every descendant of a former king in order to secure their throne and David would have had even more of a temptation for vengeance given what he had suffered at the hands of Saul. But, out of love for his best friend Jonathan and to honor the promise he had made to him, David showed mercy to Mephibosheth. He not only spared his life but restored his family lands to him and gave him a seat at the king’s table, treating Mephibosheth as if he were one of his own sons. And how did Mephibosheth respond to such generosity and favor? He responded: “What is your servant, that you should show regard for a dead dog such as I?” All of us who are Christians should have the same humility as Mephibosheth, if not more so, because we have been adopted, not by an earthly king, but by the King of kings and the Lord of lords. We were his sworn enemies, living in constant rebellion against Him and His law and He has given us the right to be called children of God. I feel even more humbled that the Lord would allow me to serve Him, to dedicate my life to His cause. That He would permit a wretched sinner like me to not only be saved by His grace but to then have the privilege to carry the message of the Gospel to others. He allows all of us to play our part in His plan of redemption. While some, like myself, leave their home countries and families behind to serve Him on a foreign field. Others give out of what the Lord has graciously given them to support missionaries as they go. Others fervently lift up prayers and petitions, praises and thanksgiving to our God. All of us who are in Christ are part of His body. And just like any body, each member has its role and responsibility. May the Lord grant us the strength and the courage to serve Him faithfully in the many ways He has equipped us.
So, when you pray for this ministry, when you give to this ministry, you are part of what God is doing here. Thank you to all of you who are actively supporting this ministry! If you are new and would like to partner with this ministry there are a number of ways to do so. One way is through the Global Outreach International website: https://globaloutreach.org/giving/missionary-details/jonathan-green or you can send a check written out to Global Outreach International to the following address: P.O. Box 1, Tupelo, MS 38802. Make sure to write “Account # 3764” in the “For” line. We hope to update the website soon to include the both of us.
If you are in the Dahlonega, Georgia area, you can give through Dahlonega Baptist Church either in person or through this link: https://onrealm.org/dbch/-/form/give/now Be sure to designate funds to Jon Green Missions.
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog today! We hope that you have been blessed through hearing about what God is doing here in Ambato, Ecuador. Be in prayer for us and the nation of Ecuador as we continue to face increased crime and violence in the country. The situation has become more complicated because of the regular power outages that we are experiencing. These power outages are caused by the drought that is going on in the country, this drought has not only affected farmers but also access to electricity as 72% of all electricity in the country is produced by hydroelectric power plants. So please pray for rain so that the power outages will end and also for the safety and security of the nation as well. Pray that in spite of the insecurity in the country, the light of the Gospel may continue to shine. Continue to pray for Huachi Chico Baptist Church as it builds its new church building asking that the Lord will provide the funds needed to fully complete the project. Pray also for the political situation here in Ecuador as well and for the upcoming elections in February. Thank you again for reading this blog and for praying for Ecuador and for us! May the light of the Gospel shine in our lives for the glory and honor of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To Him be the honor and the glory forever and ever! Amen!
Jonathan & Rosemary Green