Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! A new year has begun and my wife Rosemary and I have been busily working to further God’s kingdom here in Ecuador. We’ve continued to serve together building up the children’s ministry of Huachi Chico Baptist Church has continued to grow, not only in the number of children, but also in the number of young people from the local church serving the Lord in this ministry. It has been so gratifying to see these young people step forward, with encouragement and guidance from us, using their gifts and talents to love the children of our community and to bring honor and glory to God.
A photo of one of the classes in the children’s program at Huachi Chico Baptist Church during their Christmas celebration.
A picture of our teachers and helpers in the children’s ministry of Huachi Chico Baptist Church along with pastor Carlos Paredes (seated).
In January I was invited to help in an event at a private school here in Ambato where I was able to make connections with some university professors who were also helping with the event. During our conversation I brought up the English classes and one of them was interested in promoting the classes to her students. It was good timing because I will be starting up new English classes this month so hopefully we will have some new students sign up.
I also continue to serve the local church through preaching and leading Bible studies. It is a blessing to be given the opportunity to teach and preach from God’s Word so that others might know Him and know Him more and learn how to follow Him.
2024 was a good year, but there are new opportunities on the horizon. New classes are beginning, as I mentioned before, but I’m also looking into furthering my studies so that I might be more useful in the Lord’s service. Please pray for me for direction and wisdom as I seek what the Lord would have me do. Pray for Rosemary and me as a couple and also for direction in how we can serve God even better this year. Pray also about how you can be involved with our ministry. If you are already praying for us and our ministry, thank you! Your prayers mean so much to us! It is the Lord that sustains us but that is not only through your prayers but also through giving. Thank you to all those who have given to this ministry over the past year and I hope you will continue to give throughout this year as well. For those who haven’t participated with us financially in the past but would like to, there are two ways that you can give. One way is directly through the Global Outreach International website: https://globaloutreach.org/giving/missionary-details/jonathan-green or you can send a check written out to Global Outreach International to the following address: P.O. Box 1, Tupelo, MS 38802. Make sure to write “Account # 3764” in the “For” line. Or, if you are in the Dahlonega, Georgia area, you can give through Dahlonega Baptist Church through this link: https://onrealm.org/dbch/-/form/give/now Be sure to designate funds to Jon Green Missions.
Thank you for your time and your interest in what God is doing here in Ambato, Ecuador! I hope this post has encouraged you to get involved with this ministry, however the Lord might lead you. May God draw us nearer to Himself as we serve Him day by day and as we draw nearer to Him may we fulfill our calling, as brothers and sisters in Christ, to be His instruments in drawing others to Him as well. May God bless you all!
Jonathan Green