Hello everyone and a belated Happy New Year! Welcome to my first blog post of 2019! Thanks to all of your prayers and support, 2019 is off to a great start! But first, a little bit about my December. I had a great December celebrating Christmas with my neighbors and a great time of fellowship celebrating New Year’s Eve with my brothers and sisters in Christ here in Huachi Chico. I also held classes with pastors to help prepare them for their doctoral studies in theology. January started slowly as we transitioned from the holidays back to a more normal schedule. All of the classes returned to normal including my class in Pelileo which, with the new year, added some new students. I’m so excited to see what God is going to do in the lives of these new students! The class with the pastors has been on break since Christmas as the pastors were with their families and soon after the new year started they traveled to Guatemala to begin their doctoral program. They have only recently returned to Ecuador and I hope we can start our classes again to continue to help them further their education. February has been busy, not only with classes, but with a couple of great opportunities! A week ago I had the opportunity to help translate for a medical group. Because of my classes I was only able to help one day, but I was able to translate for a doctor in the morning and in the afternoon I was sharing the Gospel with the patients that came to the clinic.
Here I am using what is called an “EvangeCube” to share the Gospel
Here I am explaining how Christ is the only way for us to be with God and to have eternal life.
Please be in prayer that the seed of the Gospel was planted in good soil and that all who heard would receive salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. I had another opportunity this week but it is still in the planning stages and I hope to tell you more about in the future!
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog today! I hope that it was an encouragement to you to know how God is at work here in Ecuador! I want to thank all of you for your prayers but most of all for your financial support. Without your support this would not be possible! When you give, you are not giving to me, but to see God’s kingdom expanded and for people to pass from death to life. Please consider donating so that this ministry would continue to reach the people of Ambato, Ecuador with the Gospel. If you would like to donate, click the following link: https://globaloutreach.org/giving/missionary-details/jonathan-green ,if you would like more information about Global Outreach International please follow this link: https://globaloutreach.org/ to their website which will provide you with information about Global as well as how to contact them if you need any further details.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this update and I hope that the Lord would bless you this day and every day after!
Blessings from Ecuador,
Jonathan Green