Hello everyone! I’m back again, finally, with another update to fill you in on the great things that have been happening! The month of October came and went so quickly as I was busily teaching classes and participating in a special event at Camp Chacauco. From October 11-13, Camp Chacauco invited me to assist with translating for a group of pastors from the United States who gave lectures on theology and the church. Steve Thompson and Esteban Martinez translated the lectures but I was able to help the pastors interact with Ecuadorian pastors and I also translated questions and comments for the other pastors who were not giving the lecture at that time. It was such an encouragement to learn from these servants of the Lord and help them as they shared their knowledge with pastors and leaders here in Ecuador. These lectures finished on the 12th and then a conference on marriage and family began which continued until the night of the 13th. I helped the pastors from the US interact with couples attending the conference and it was really a blessing to see the impact that the Lord was making through these pastors on the lives, marriages, and families of these couples.
November has also been really busy with classes and on the 7th I celebrated my birthday! Thank you to everyone who sent their best wishes but I especially want to thank everyone who sent me a card. It was incredible! Thank you so much to everyone from Dahlonega Baptist Church and my family and friends for all the wonderful words you shared, it was really special! A few days after my birthday we had a special event at Huachi Chico Baptist Church here in Ambato. The pastor invited everyone who could come to a half-day fast on Monday the 12th . It was an edifying time where me, and church members, joined the pastor at the church for 5 hours dedicated to the Lord. We read and studied His word, sang songs of praise, and we prayed over each person that came. The time seemed to fly by as we enjoyed our time together with each other and the Lord. One of my prayer requests was for my parents’ trip to visit me during Thanksgiving week. In the days before they came I was scrambling around trying to get everything ready for their arrival but everything worked out really well. On Sunday the 18th ,during church my Dad and me sang a hymn, in English, as a special music and afterwards we went out to eat lunch with some church members who then took us to a nearby community to shop and to enjoy beautiful views of the entire city of Ambato. On Wednesday the 21st, I went with my Dad to visit Camp Chacauco and to visit the nearby city of Baños. We had a good time of fellowship with the staff of the Camp and then we went over to Baños where we drove up to a restaurant that is high above the city where we ate lunch and enjoyed the view. We celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday and I also translated for my Dad as he gave the Bible study later that night at Huachi Chico Baptist. It was such a blessing to have them here and the church members here in Ambato were excited to have them and they were always encouraging them to come back soon. My parents were also the ones who brought all of your birthday cards and they were sure to get a picture of me with all of them!
A picture of me with all of your cards on my dining room table!
I also celebrated Thanksgiving at Camp Chacauco this past Saturday, the 24th, with the pastors of the association of Baptist churches here in the mountains of Ecuador. It was a really enjoyable time getting to see and visit with some pastors I had not seen in a while. I have also been presented with an opportunity to help three pastors who are preparing to go and study for their doctorates in theology at the Baptist Seminary of Guatemala. Some of their course material is not translated into Spanish so I will be teaching them to read and understand English so that they can complete their studies and eventually receive their doctorates. Please be in prayer for me and for these pastors as we prepare before beginning these intensive classes on the 12th of December. Also be in prayer for PESCA Baptist Theological Seminary, once these pastors finish their doctorates they will be the first doctoral faculty of this seminary. Please pray that God will continue to bless this seminary as it prepares the next generation of pastors and leaders to carry the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their churches and their communities. Please continue to pray for me and the classes and especially for my students that they would draw closer to the Lord through the hearing of God’s Word in my classes.
Thank you stopping by my blog today! I hope that it was a blessing and an encouragement to you to hear what God is doing here in Ecuador. As I mentioned before, please be in prayer for me and this ministry but also please consider donating so that this ministry would continue to reach the people of Ambato, Ecuador with the Gospel. If you would like to donate, click the following link: https://globaloutreach.org/giving/missionary-details/jonathan-green ,if you would like more information about Global Outreach International please follow this link: https://globaloutreach.org/ to their website which will provide you with information about Global as well as how to contact them if you need any further details.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this update and I hope that the Lord would bless you this day and every day after!
Blessings from Ecuador,
Jonathan Green