Back in Ecuador!

Hello everyone! After a long time between posts, I’m back with an update of what I’ve been doing the past month and a look ahead to ministry opportunities coming up. I’ve had a great month back here in Ecuador! After a week of getting settled back in, I worked alongside Steve and Carol Thompson and Camp Chacauco and a youth choir from Dawson Baptist Church near Birmingham, Alabama. The youth choir was made up of 101 girls and boys and 45 adults accompanied them as leaders and chaperones. We traveled to different communities putting on concerts and when we weren’t doing that we split into “smaller” groups of about 30 each and had Vacation Bible School in Patate, Pelileo, and Ambato. After a great week serving together with them, I settled back in to my normal class schedule while gearing up for an English course for kids for 5 days a week for the next three weeks. Please be in prayer that God would use me to impact the lives of the children who come to learn English so that they would learn that there is a God that loves them and sacrificed his only Son so that they could have a relationship with Him.

None of this would be possible without the prayers and financial support of my brothers and sisters in Christ from Dahlonega Baptist Church. I had such a blessed time together with you in the month of May, sharing what the Lord has been doing here in Ecuador on a Wednesday night, eating homemade ice cream together at my Grandmother’s home, and worshiping our Lord together on Sunday mornings. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I thank you for joining together with me in showing the love of Christ to the people of Ecuador. I thank you for allowing me to serve my Lord. I thank God for you and pray for you every day and I hope and pray that this blog will bring joy to your heart just as your love and support brings joy to mine. Thank you so much and may God bless you this day and every day after!