A Year In Review: What we've been doing

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have prayed for and supported this ministry. It has been an exciting and challenging year with some successes and some learning moments along the way. One of the biggest blessings this year has obviously been the inclusion of my wife in ministry. She has helped in ways beyond count. With the classes, she has helped me the most with the organization of the classes and in maintaining open lines of communication with students outside the classroom. As a teacher, she has also been such a great sounding board for ideas and also for how to help my students achieve their goals in the classroom. I have also had the blessing of preaching once or twice a month at Huachi Chico Baptist Church. It has been rewarding to participate with them and share from God’s Word throughout the year and helping them to examine their lives and helping them to discover ways that they can love and serve the Lord better. I have taught in the men’s Bible study and I also help my wife the children’s ministry on Saturdays as well. You can see some of what I have been doing in these photos:

Preaching on December 17th, 2023

Teaching children during Bible Club

An excerpt from my preaching on December 17th, 2023

These ministries would be impossible without your continued support. I am hoping to expand to reach even more students but that will not possible without further support. Please, as you are making your year end financial plans, consider supporting what the Lord is doing here in Ecuador through this ministry. Your support makes you part of every sermon, every Bible study, every Gospel presentation everything that this ministry does to advance the Kingdom of God until He comes.

You can give directly online through this link: https://globaloutreach.org/giving/missionary-details/jonathan-green

Or if you attend Dahlonega Baptist Church, you can give by designating funds to “Jon Green Missions” that way your funds will make it to the right place. You can either give in person at DBC or online through this link: https://pushpay.com/g/dahlonegabaptistchurch

Thank you for helping this ministry reach more people with the Gospel. May God bless you and your families, especially during this special season when we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus. May the focus of our lives be in bringing Him glory and honor until He comes again.


Jonathan Green