Strikes, Protests, and the Sovereignty of God

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I hope that this blog post finds you well! If you haven’t heard the latest news from Ecuador you may be wondering why I chose the title of this blog. The nation of Ecuador had been in lockdown for almost 3 weeks because of protests across the country but centering primarily in the mountain and jungle regions. I had been unable to get basic necessities like food and other supplies because the roads were completely blocked off by protesters. But, by the grace of God, the protests ended on Thursday the June 30th. In spite of everything happening I was still able to continue giving my classes online encouraging my students through the sharing of God’s Word.

None of what has happened here in Ecuador was by accident. Despite the chaos of the past 3 weeks I know that God has always been and always will be in control. He has allowed these things to happen for a reason. To help the Ecuadorian people to appreciate what He has given them. It is often in times of crisis that people are most open to the Gospel. Pray for me and the churches of Ecuador. Pray that we will be faithful to reach our communities with the Gospel and that many will repent and receive the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ our Lord. May we always remember that, no matter what is happening in our lives or in the world around us, our Heavenly Father is always in control. He is sovereign. He has reigned from Creation until now and will continue to reign for all eternity as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. When we are suffering let us remember the precious promises that He has given us in His Word and remember that He has promised is faithful, He will surely do it.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog today! I hope that this message has encouraged you rest upon the promises of Lord today. If you are led to participate with me in my ministry here in Ecuador there are a number of ways to do that. First of all pray for me, for my students, and for all of the people that I come into contact with. Pray that I would share with boldness the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pray for Huachi Chico Baptist Church and all of the churches of Ecuador. Pray that they would remain faithful to the preaching of God’s Word and to the work of evangelism in their communities. But also, please consider giving so that I may continue to serve the Lord by teaching and preaching and sharing the Gospel. You can give directly online through this link:

Or you can give through Dahlonega Baptist Church (DBC) by designating funds to “Jon Green Missions.” That way your funds will make it to the right place. You can either give in person at DBC or online through this link:

Thank you once again for your time and may God bless you!


Jonathan Green