New Year Update

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I’m glad you’re here because we have a lot to catch up on! The end of last year was good for me here in Ecuador. I continued to teach my classes in the afternoons and I split the 3 o’clock class into two separate classes; one that meets twice a week and another that meets three times a week. I did this to accommodate a schedule change for my students and to bring in some new students. I will be looking to make some changes to the class format this year in order to bring in more new students and reach more people with the Gospel. Most of the students that have stuck with the courses long-term are already Christians and attending church somewhere so I hope to make short-term courses that will be more useful in reaching people who are not Christians with the message of salvation in Jesus Christ.

I have preached twice since we last caught up and it went well both times. I shared from Titus chapter 2 on the roles of the members of the Church in different stages of life and how the Church is to work together as the body of Christ. The second sermon was from Isaiah 58 and the focus was on worship and prayer and all the interactions we have with God and how we should always have the right motives. We shouldn’t only be focused on ourselves and our loved ones and the things we want and need, but we should focus on others and most of all on God and His will for us.

I had a wonderful Christmas holiday that I spent with my girlfriend Rosemary and her family in Guayaquil. It was great to spend a few days together before I came back here to Ambato. The New Year has been a little bit difficult. Rosemary was sick for several days and I have been sick a couple of times this month also. But, by God’s grace, we have recovered and are doing very well. Please continue to pray for us that God would continue to lead us and guide us in all things.

Please be in prayer for Huachi Chico Baptist Church. The church has begun to build a new building but they still do not have all of the resources to finish construction. The church is selling a piece of property to help fund the construction but it has not sold yet. Please pray that the Lord provide what is needed to complete the building.

Continue to pray for me as I look for new opportunities and ways to serve the Lord and the people of Ambato, Ecuador. Thank you so much for your prayers and your financial support which are absolutely vital for me to continue to share the Gospel and to teach others from God’s Word. I pray that this year we may see the hand of the Almighty at work in our lives, in the lives of our families, and in the lives of our communities and the nations.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog today! I hope and pray that you and your family are well and that you know the love and the peace that can only come through faith in Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins that comes through Him alone. May God bless you and keep you each and every day!


Jonathan Green