Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I’m so glad that you took the time to read about what God is doing here in Ambato, Ecuador! A lot has happened since my last update. I had classes for two weeks in the nearby community of San Pedro where I had the chance to share the Gospel with a dozen students as I helped them get ready for their English classes before school started. My regular classes have been going well with a few new students that have joined so that I now have classes from Monday-Friday in Ambato and a class on Saturdays in Pelileo. Many of my students who had signed up during vacation time have continued even after school has started and parents have been encouraged by how much their children have improved. After returning to classes many of them are testing at higher levels and getting much better grades on their work. Hopefully, this will encourage others to join the classes so that they can improve their English and, more importantly, hear from the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Please be in prayer for me, for Pastor Carlos and the church here in Huachi Chico. Also be in prayer for my students that God will touch their minds and their hearts through the hearing of His Word and that those who do not know Him will come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord of their lives.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog today! Thank you to everyone for your prayers and especially for your financial support which makes this ministry possible! If you would like to give to support this ministry you can give online at: https://globaloutreach.org/giving/missionary-details/jonathan-green
If you would like to give via check please make the check out to Global Outreach International and in the “For” write “Account 3764” that will make sure that the donation gets to this specific ministry. Please send all checks to P.O. Box One Tupelo, MS 38802. Also all gifts are tax-deductible and %100 of your gift goes to the mission field and to the work of furthering the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
May God bless you and lead you into a closer relationship with Him!
Jonathan Green