Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! A lot has happened in the past six weeks so, to be brief, I will try to stick to the highlights as much as possible. After a long and drawn out process, I finally received my visa in early November. With it, I was also able to apply for and receive an Ecuadorian ID card which is necessary to do all sorts of things. From opening a bank account, to paying your electric bill. All of it is dependent on having this ID so I am very thankful to have it! I have moved in to my apartment here in Ambato but, it wasn't ready when I thought it was going to be, so the start of my classes was pushed back until the 14th. My classes have started well, with 40 students signed up and 5 classes total with each class meeting twice a week. I have the opportunity to pray with them and to teach them a Bible verse in English while also teaching them the meaning behind each verse. On Saturdays, I am also teaching at the baptist church in the town of Pelileo. We are averaging around 10 students each week with an hour long class and a half hour Bible study afterwards. All in all, things have started pretty well. I am still getting settled in to my apartment and getting accustomed to the neighborhood and life in general here in Ambato. I ask that you would continue to pray that I might share boldly from the Word and that the people I come in contact with would draw closer to Christ. Whether that is a believer being encouraged or a non-believer putting their faith in Jesus Christ for the first time. Please be in prayer for me that I might stay healthy and safe so that I can continue to reach others for Christ. Also be in prayer for Huachi Chico Baptist Church and Pelileo Baptist Church that they might continue to reach out and serve their communities with the love of Jesus.
Thank you for reading my blog today! I hope that it has been an encouragement to you! If you would like to support this ministry financially there are a couple of ways that you can do so. You can follow this link: https://globaloutreach.org/giving/missionary-details/jonathan-green and give online. Or if you prefer to give via check you can make checks out to "Global Outreach International" and be sure to include on the "For" line "Account #3764" to make sure that the funds make it to this ministry. Then you can mail checks to: Global Outreach International P.O. Box One, Tupelo, MS 38802. Thanks again for reading and I hope you have a blessed day!
Jonathan Green