The Heart of Man and the Heart of God

Hello everyone! Thank you for coming to read my blog today! I hope that you and your loved ones are well and seeking the Lord in prayer and in His Word each and every day! Here is a quick update about what has been going on with me and what is happening here in Ecuador. I am well. By God’s mercy and grace, I have not gotten sick and the Lord continues to sustain me through His peace. I continue to give my classes online throughout the week, sharing from God’s Word to encourage and to convict. Attendance has been up and down lately, as many of them are working online and are required, at times, to work outside of normal business hours. Continue to pray for me that I might teach with clarity and conviction from the Scripture and that I would also be constantly searching for new and dynamic ways to teach English, so that they would feel encouraged to continue to study English and to hear the Living Word of God.

The situation here in Ecuador is very delicate. Cases continue to rise across the country and the healthcare system is not adequately equipped to handle the cases of COVID-19 in addition to all of the other healthcare needs that they would normally face. In spite of the dangers, people are going out and working and gathering in groups. Everyone is wearing a mask because it is required by law. If someone is found outside without a mask, they are fined. The masks have helped the situation from getting completely out of control as people have to work in order to provide for themselves and their families. Please be in prayer for the people of Ecuador, especially for those who are going out and working. Pray for wisdom for all of the government officials. Pray that they would be honest, as we have seen some high-profile cases of corruption, that they would recognize that they will have to give account to the Lord. Pray for all of the pastors and churches, so that the Gospel may continue to be preached throughout Ecuador and more and more Ecuadorians might be saved.

I pray that you would take joy in putting His commands into practice and in sharing with others the promises of God. I pray that you would humbly help others to see the sin in their lives and, out of love for God and for them, you would lead them to the foot of the Cross. This a challenge for all of us but this challenge is not optional. It is the command of our Savior and our Lord (Matthew 28:18-20). The Lord has called us to love Him with all that we are and all that we have, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40). But we are called to love not as the world loves, but love as God loves. We are called to love with patience and forgiveness and we are also called to love by convicting others of their sin and their need for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. This is the same love that Christ showed us. He made us aware of our sin, and the consequences, but he also made a way for us to be with Him and to avoid the punishment that each of us deserves because He took that punishment upon Himself. He helped us to learn that the heart of man is sick and stained by sin and that the heart of God is to redeem a people for Himself and for His glory. In Christ Jesus, we have the perfect example of the love that flows out from the heart of God and all Christians are called to be imitators of Christ, to pour out the love that Jesus has shown us into to lives of those around us.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog today! I hope and pray that you and your family and all of your loved ones are staying safe during this public health crisis. Always remember that our hope is in Jesus Christ. He has promised that He will be with us to the very end and He keeps His promises.

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Blessings from Ecuador,

Jonathan Green