Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! I hope that all of you had wonderful Christmas and New Year celebrations with family and friends! For Christmas, I enjoyed spending time with Pastor Carlos and his family in his home. For New Year’s Eve, we held a time of fellowship, worship and the study of God’s Word culminating with a meal shared together just before midnight. When the clock struck 12, we all wished each other a happy new year!
A week into January, I began my classes again. It was a slow start at first, it seemed like my students were still on vacation! But after another week things got back to normal as returned to learn English and the Word of God. Please continue to pray for me, that I may be used by the Lord to lead my students closer to Him and that those that do not know Him, may receive the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
I also pray that you would consider giving to this ministry. I know that there are many ministries and many other places that you could invest the resources that God has placed in your hands. I hope that God would give you a heart for the people of Ecuador and for what God is doing through this ministry to reach people with the Gospel and to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Ambato, Ecuador. This ministry depends on donations from people like you. There are ongoing needs that are not met and in order to grow this ministry I will need additional support. I am so thankful for those who have donated and continue to donate! You form a special part of this ministry and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to follow God’s calling. If you would like to give online you can follow this link: http://globaloutreach.org/giving/missionary-details/jonathan-green
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog today! May the Lord bless you and keep you this day and every day!
Blessings from Ecuador,
Jonathan Green