Hello everybody and welcome to the blog section of my web page! This is the section where you can keep up with me and the things God is doing through our ministry. Don't forget to check out our "Get Involved" page where you can find how you can join with what we are doing.
On December the 20th I will be speaking at both the 9:30 and 11:00 AM services at Dahlonega Baptist Church in Dahlonega, Georgia. If you are in the Dahlonega area and would like to attend you can find directions and more information about the church on their website www.dbch.org.
Don't forget that if you are considering donating at the end of the year for tax purposes all donations to this ministry are tax-deductible. You can find out how to donate by going to http://globaloutreach.org/south-america#/jonathan-green/.
Thank you so much for visiting and may this be a blessed advent season for you and your family.
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You,